Browsing Archive: November, 2009

New Encyclopedia Set!

Posted by Rose M. on Friday, November 13, 2009, In : Library News 
On Tuesday, Nov. 10, my lovely sometimes-assistant Jill and I drove to Menoka (just east of Joliet) to pick up a set of the Encyclopedia Britannica for our library.

This beautiful set was donated free of charge by the Menoka Public Library when they recently received a new set. Many thanks to Nancy Baker at Menoka for sifting through the many emails sent to her and deciding to let us have it - I guess I was the first to submit a request, so we got it.

Come in and look it over - the volumes are ...
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Posted by Rose M. on Sunday, November 8, 2009, In : Library News 

Hi, all, I'm Rose Thompson, the new Library Director at Leepertown Public Library here in Bureau.

I hope to make a few changes in the library, though it may be an ongoing project.

First I would like to announce that we have a brand new computer, courtesy of the Spring Valley WalMart Distributer. It was given to the library by their donations department, and it's a nice addition - stop by and check it out!

We also have a new copier, with scanning capabilities.

I hope to add a reading corne...

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